Sunday, April 28, 2019

so much spring

my allergies are causing me to suffer quite acutely, but i am enchanted by the colors and designs of nature in spring.

tulips at meadowlark

more tulips at meadowlark

another tulip at meadowlark

stunning tulip at meadowlark

sweet smelling wisteria at meadowlark

tulip season at meadowlark

can't get enough of these tulips at meadowlark

not sure if this is a tulip at meadowlark

dandelion in my yard

stumpery in my front yard

tulips at burnside farms

more tulips at burnside farms

short tulip season at burnside farms

dewy azaleas in my yard

gorgeous azaleas in my yard

azaleas at compass

closeup of azaleas at compass

white azaleas at compass

bleeding heart flowers at compass

lily of the valley at compass

bluebells at compass

blazing star? at compass

red columbine at compass