april is autism acceptance month, so i will be amplifying actual autistic voices
"I can’t stop dreaming of a better world, that’s just who I am. I can envision it, feel what it will feel like. A world where people are free to stim and script, talk or not talk, make eye contact or avoid it. Where everyone who needs an AAC device has one. Where classrooms are integrated and practicing true inclusion. A world with places of silence and soft lighting and squishy things and safe spaces. Where ABA is widely viewed as a barbaric practice buried in the past. Where it is not just illegal, but unthinkable, to hurt autistic children or adults. Where autistics who can work find employment, and those who can’t have a solid safety net to support them. Where all the research money is going into developing better supports, better technology, better access. Where autistic people have equal representation in government, where they run the autism organizations, have positions of power in the justice system and medical professions and in education. And where autistic people can be recognized and respected no matter what their race, gender, sexuality, or other disabilities may be."
read the whole post here:this april i won't fight from autismacceptancemonth