Friday, August 26, 2022

bugs & berries & blooms & bonus fruit


bees in tiny tortuga turtlehead flowers
carpenter bee on mountain mint

honey bee on mountain mint

digger wasp on mountain mint



new york ironweed

cherry tomato
sweet autumn clematis

purple passionfruit

backyard buns

 i think they came for the clover and stayed for the atmosphere. pretty sure they take shelter under the deck. one of us notices at least one of them nearly every day, either in the backyard or out front, sometimes accompanied by squirrels, chipmunks, the wild rats, or mourning doves on the ground, with other wild birds dropping them bits of food from the feeders hanging above. i'm glad they find our space amenable, even to the point of coming right up to our doors.

fab five

some fish joined our household this summer






peace, love & plants