Tuesday, July 28, 2020

thar be bees yonder

i think it was the beginning of june when i had my first bee sightings on our daily walks. it wasn't until weeks later that i saw them in my own garden spaces, and then in mid july the mountain mint finally blossomed and brought the little buzzies back to me.



lamb's ear

penstemon digitalis/foxglove beardtongue

penstemon digitalis/foxglove beardtongue

lamb's ear

penstemon digitalis/foxglove beardtongue

swamp milkweed

swamp milkweed

swamp milkweed

swamp milkweed

blazing star?

mountain mint

mountain mint


swamp milkweed

mountain mint

mountain mint

mountain mint


i'm more than a bit behind on my posting of flowers (beyond the pink ones, at least). please allow me to rectify that.