Monday, January 28, 2019

homeschool philosophy

this lovely post came across my dash this morning and it was too good not to share.

i can incorporate this into metta/lovingkindness:

may i open my loving and courageous heart to myself
may i open my loving and courageous heart to my children
may we listen to each other with open hearts

may i nourish my child's body and mind with the good food and time spent together that we both enjoy

a day off school - with big brother doing something else - sometimes means a pasta date for me and ander

an excerpt from the post:

"I want to open myself to what is, to see my children for who they are and our homeschool for what it is...I can close the plans and curricula and to-do lists for a little while and observe how they tackle something on their own. And I can do this not once or once a year but regularly, every season, so that our homeschool changes as they change. I also need to remind myself of this when we hit a hard patch. Sometimes, yes, there’s something I can change to make things easier or better, but sometimes, the problem is not mine to fix."