Tuesday, January 29, 2019


"We may never find ourselves in situations of such peril that our lives are endangered; yet anguish and pain are undeniable aspects of our lives. None of us can build walls around our hearts that are invulnerable to being breached by life. Facing the sorrow we meet in this life, we have a choice: Our hearts can close, our minds recoil, our bodies contract, and we can experience the heart that lives in a state of painful refusal. We can also dive deeply within ourselves to nurture the courage, balance, patience, and wisdom that enable us to care." ~from she who hears the cries of the world by christina feldman

today's metta/lovingkindness extended to myself:

  • may i open my heart to the suffering of others
  • may i find the steadfastness not to abandon anyone in this world
  • may i be as compassionate to myself as i am to those around me