having a bunny, that's what's good. for us, at least.
i think she's happy to have us around a lot, too. especially ander. he can pretty much do anything to her through the bars of her enclosure - give her cheek rubs, hold her ears and give a gentle tug, pet her fur backwards. mostly she just stays there and soaks up the attention as he tells her what a good and wonderful bunny she is. she sometimes grooms him, which i have told him is a sign that she accepts him as a bunny. she grooms artemis on occasion, too, and tolerates him picking her up and snuggling with her on the loveseat. she pays attention to me when i come to her in the morning with a banana or a slice of apple and a yogurt drop and that's when i get to pet her.
her presence in the family room where much of our family activity takes place always gives us something to talk about. we make sure to take note and alert everyone in the house anything that the bunny is doing at any given moment - lying down, or stretching, or grooming, or sleeping, or eating, or drinking from her water bottle, or twitching her nose, or just generally existing. she is a constant furry friend, and we love her sooooo much.