Monday, December 10, 2018

o christmas tree

as is our annual tradition, we went to meadows farms to get our tree. it's name is applesauce. don't ask.

a cursory search of my blog did not reveal a list of some of the other names we've had for trees in past years, so i looked them up on my calendars where i often recorded such details:
  • ebeneezer spruce
  • blizzard
  • dinsdale (we'd been watching monty python)
  • frasier (because it was a fraser fir tree)
  • twee
  • i'm almost certain there was a neville pinebottom in there during out extended harry potter special interest time
applesauce has nice, soft needles, so putting on the lights wasn't too onerous for me, and it looks merry and bright, especially through the french door.