Saturday, May 5, 2018

beyond my backyard, into my neighborhood

spring is here. now i can see everything blooming. front yard, back yard, neighbor's yards.

japanese double-blossom cherry in the neighborhood

behind back fence: everything i find on google points to amelanchier/sarvis/service berry/shadbush

dogwood in a friend's neighborhood

speedwell in front yard

dandelion fluff, aka carl sagan's starship of the imagination

wild violets in my back yard flower beds

behind back fence: maybe a pear? it bears some nut or fruit in the fall.

next door neighbor's yard, potentially a crabapple

early azaleas outside my garage

mock strawberries in the front yard

sedum by the mailbox

boxwood near the azaleas
neighbor's pink magnolia. so glad to have one of these nearby again.

pink magnolia

neighbor's tree

our very own japanese weeping cherry in the front yard