Wednesday, February 26, 2020


dungeons & dragons & dinner for teens. that's how many a friday evening rolls in this house.

another good game

splendor, as played the morning after another epic birthday sleepover

good game

the eldest requested - and received from his doting grandparents - this game. it's great fun!

my chocolate bar

the wrapper of my salted caramel dark chocolate bar contained an unexpected treasure.


founding farmers. a tasty end to valentine's week. 

i wonder

lots of people take pictures at meadowlark, and lots of people have pictures taken there. my friend and i will often offer to take a photo for someone - a group, a couple, someone struggling with a selfie or a fussy toddler. we smile and admire a loving gaze or a lovely dress or an adorable antic.

this bouquet was sitting on a bench. i wonder what its story is - perhaps a forgotten bridal or bridesmaid arrangement or a prop for an engagement or birthday or other celebratory event. i can imagine it being left as an offering in loving memory to the person memorialized by the bench, or something else. regardless of its origin - or its fate - i enjoyed it for the brief moments it took for me to take its picture, the colors and shapes expressing love and joy clearly to me.

signs of spring (on a clear day in february)

Monday, February 24, 2020


sola wood flower arrangement i created from flowerhop

sola wood flower arrangement i created from flowerhop

from pat pao's candlelight yin and restorative yoga session

ringing of the korean bell at meadowlark

Sunday, February 2, 2020

groundhog day

the emergence of the groundhog to see (or not) their shadow is supposed to be a clear prediction of the weather. once again. it is not.