Sunday, October 28, 2018

modern survival skills

back to tim macwelch for a crash course in modern survival skills, this time with artemis.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018


artemis and i went to the maryland renaissance festival on our own this year, giving us the opportunity to browse the shops and watch people to our hearts' content.

it was great weather

all dressed up for the occasion

carved crab chair

roachy brooch; looks real but is made of reclaimed materials like seashells

faire fare: steak on a stake and fish & chips

excellent entertainment; we bought a cd

we were spare in our spending, and artemis came home with his head full of ideas for crafting a new cloak for everyday wearing and carving a staff for future cosplay.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

small friend

while waiting on artemis in class at compass, i explored the flowers along the sidewalk at uucf, confident i would find insects on the autumn flowers. i was captivated by a slow-moving fuzzy bee. i gently pet its back, and it climbed onto my finger and tested me out. i eventually guided it back to the flowers, where it continued its breakfast and pollen collection. i think this plant may be yellow rocket/winter cress.