Tuesday, January 31, 2017

va raptors

artemis is taking a homeschool high school biology class this year. i really like that there are labs involved and access to things i would not be able to easily provide at home.

i also like that well-behaved family members were invited to sit in on a presentation by gabby from the raptor conservancy of virginia. i enjoyed myself thoroughly learning about these captivating creatures.

smoke - eastern screech owl

hipster - barred owl

red shouldered hawk

little guy - north american kestrel

spirit - peregrine falcon

Monday, January 30, 2017

my values

women's march on washington sign commission  - created by artemis

i knitted my own pink hat
*kind* pin is from penzey's spices
rainbow shirt that reminds me *i am enough*
one side of my women's march on washington sign - created by artemis

other side of my women's march on washington sign - created by artemis

outside of union station on the evening of the women's march on washington

i was there. i was part of history. i was not silent.

knitting hats for the homeless coming to hypothermia shelter

using quiet time for exploring cultural art - chinese zodiac animal for the year

remembering what was
fighting against what is
striving for no hate. no fear. immigrants are welcome here.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


a new year, another wedding anniversary.

dessert date at baskin robbins

greek fest

greek fest

camping at cunningham falls, md

holiday lights at meadowlark

fancy movie date: rogue one at alamo drafthouse

Sunday, January 1, 2017


from cherish in 2016 to bend in 2017.

bend (verb)

  • to shape into a curve
  • to deviate from a straight line, to direct or turn in a particular direction
  • to incline mentally
  • to direct or devote one's attention or energies to a task
  • to interpret or modify (a rule) to suit an interest

let's see where this leads...